Monday, 1 March 2010

Lucy's Thursday Craft Class

On Thursdays myself and Chris and Kay have a craft class with Lucy Edmondson ( and it is one of the highlights of our week ,we'd happily go everyday if we could but I think we'd give Lucy a breakdown as we tend to be rather noisy :) She truly is a talented and inspirational teacher and really encourages to explore our creativity whilst teaching us the skills to achieve more than we thought we were capable of. Recently in class Lucy showed us some wonderful altered c.d cases and here are my beginners attempts. Please excuse the quality of photos as I have a rather ancient camera and no camera skills -I'll replace the pics when my hubby has time to take some decent ones.


  1. Your Stitchels roses turned out beautifully. I like the Stitchels as they give definition around the edge. Thank you for your lovely words - no, you wouldn't give me a breakdown, only enliftment!

    Lucy x

  2. I amazed you are so new to this hobby(obsession!) Lynne M x

  3. Beautiful - love the flowers

  4. Another true beauty you clevva fing!!xx


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Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hmm I never know what to write here -This will be a work in progress :)